Friday, August 9, 2013

Archaeology -- a poem

I wrote this as the final assignment of an online archaeology course. It sums it up (for me) quite nicely.

Discovery, elation
Disturbance, destruction
Racing against time, nature, thieves, and bureaucracy

To rescue the past for the future.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

excerpt from Auntie Amanda's Book of Manners

The doorbell rang and a young man in a messenger’s uniform handed Mother a small envelope.  Mother thanked him and closed the door.  She opened the envelope as she walked back into the kitchen to finish fixing breakfast.

“Your Auntie Amanda has invited you three for tea and snakes this afternoon. 

We jumped out of our chairs and ran a circle around the table.  “Yea!! We’re going to Auntie Amanda’s for tea and cakes!” 

Mother frowned slightly as she looked at the note.  “Not tea and cakes.  Tea and snakes.”

We three stopped dead to stare at Mother.  Slowly, eyes and wide and mouths agape, we turned to look at each other.  “Yea!!  We’re going to Auntie Amanda’s for tea and snakes!” and ran ‘round the table some more.

Odd (and old) poetry bits

In a world of trouble,
In a world of strife,
Nothing bursts a happy bubble
Like just living life.


Greenbugs blackbugs redbugs yellowbugs brownbugs
Purplebugs stripedbugs spotted bugs
Shimmerybugs summerybugs
Goodbugs badbugs otherbugs

Doorways open in
Or the open out.
Depends on which way
You're headed.

Shades of black and gray,
The only brightness –
            Flashes of lightning
Lighting my fears.

Fears that have no voice,
            But they scream;
Fears that have no eyes,
            But they stare.

Tempestuous child –
            Clouds fill my mind like Thoughts; 
            Eyes of Lightning flash;
            Thunderstorms of Tears;
            Worlds drown in the Deluge;
            Cyclones rampage in my Soul.

FB status 8/5/13

Silliness abides in my soul. Gloom is a ghost in the walls and doubt is bats in the attic. But whimsy is the fire on the hearth.